It seems as if we have been talking about this move for ever! It is really hard sometimes to accept that it has happened, but I am sitting in my school room in Rancho Cordova, California, so it must be true.
On Thursday, July 18th we picked up one of the trucks and started to load it. I had to back it up in the driveway and I knew there was no way I was driving this truck to California. It was a HUGE 26 foot Penske truck. This is a HUMONGOUS truck! I have an aversion to heights and boy was I high up in the cab of this truck. Just moving it back 5 feet in the driveway made me shake in fear. What in the world was I going to do? We needed me to be able to drive this truck! I said nothing to no one! I guess that's not completely true...God and I talked a lot that day! That night we went to Songs in the Park for the last time. The last time is never fun! :( Then we went to the hotel and I did not sleep well at all. I kept waking up because of that HUGE truck. I kept praying and asking God what was I to do?! In the early morning I woke Paul and told him I was sorry to let him down, but there was NO WAY I was going to be able to drive. He told me he was just thankful I realized it BEFORE we had loaded the truck. He had to go all over the place to get my truck. It was still big, but not HUGE. It was a 16 foot truck. It was a truck that had more of a van for the cab. I could handle this!!!!
We have awesome friends that gave us so much help on Saturday loading the truck. I couldn't get over all the people that came to help us!!! Not only that, but people came and cleaned our house! I love all of you so much. I will never forget Meredith and all the cleaning she did, just like her sweet mom Rachel. Rachel made sure EVERYTHING was packed! All of you were awesome! Colby did an awesome job of making sure the trucks were packed efficiently.
Sunday, Rachel and Meredith returned and cleaned even more! I love you two, and was incredibly blessed with your willingness to do yucky jobs! I will always remember this:) Later that evening Dawn and Mike hosted a great going away open house. There were soooo many people in their house! It was incredible! I loved looking outside the front window and seeing all those teens playing Frisbee together! This was a hard night. There is absolutely nothing fun about goodbyes! I hope I will see all of those people again on earth one day! I told a few of the teens that I am so thankful they know Christ and are Christians because if nothing else we could cling to the fact that we will all be together one day in heaven. I could just see them playing ultimate Frisbee and Allie catching a high throw that on earth only Connor could make. I love all of you that were there! I miss you all. I have never known such a great bunch of people. God really blessed the Lee's with all of you and we are so thankful for all of you!
Monday, July 22, 2013 we head out. We are driving up the 110 to get to the I-10 and it is raining...not just any type of rain but pouring! We can hardly see to drive! This made for a really long day of stressful driving. Some of the neat things I saw today were at least three tent revivals. I have seen them on TV, but never for real. We also really saw that the south is like a jungle. There are so many trees and they are covered with vines and you really can't see through the trees. It is just beautiful!
Tuesday, July 23, 2013 we go to Duck Commander in West Monroe, LA. AWESOME! It was great. We didn't see anyone from the show, but it was still great. We stay in Dallas tonight. The parking lot is hard to get into with the trucks and we discover that one of the tires on the car carrier is shredded. Paul calls and someone comes to fix it. Thank goodness that was easy. By this point mom is starting to hurt more in her back.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013 we are making the boring drive from Dallas to Amarillo, Texas. Mom's back is really hurting and after we get into Amarillo I take her to an Urgent Care Clinic. They believe she has torn a muscle in her back and give her medicine. We are all hopeful that the medicine is going to help.
Thursday, July 25, 2013 we are driving to Denver today. Poor mom is pretty drugged and is still in A LOT of pain. It is all she can do to walk. We are all worried about her. When we get to Raton Pass there is a lot of rain and at one point we have to pull over on the side of the highway. I look out the passenger window and notice there is a mud slide right next to our truck. It was very scary. We finally get to Denver and we are all tired, but happy to be here. The kids and I go visit my friend Lynette and her family. We had fun seeing a lot of deer, and their chickens and bunnies.
Friday, July 26, 2013, today is Mom's birthday and she is still really hurting. So, she spends her birthday in the ER. They do all sorts of test and think all sorts of things, but in the end they just think she needs stronger pain medicine. What an exciting birthday. It was not the way you want to spend the day. I again spend some time that evening with my friend.
Saturday, July 27, 2013 mom is sleeping a lot and so Paul stays with mom. I took the kids and went with Lynette to Tiny Town. It was a fun morning. We even rode the train! We went shopping and then to dinner at White Fence Farm. Mom felt good enough, but drugged and was able to go with us to dinner.
Denver ended up being a little sad, because we didn't hardly do what we had planned. The good was I saw my friend and Paul saw our niece RayLynne. Also, we hoped the rest was good for mom.
Sunday, July 28, 2013, we drove to Rock Springs, WY. This was a fun day. I saw lots of animals: Lamas, Buffalo, Dromedary Camels, Deer, Cows and Horses...oh and sheep! I love animals. We went to dinner at a Village Inn. The manager asked how many of us there were and I said 7, he looked around the almost empty restaurant and said hmmm let me see what I can do. As if there was no where to seat us. It was funny! Oh one more animal....LOTS of bunny rabbits! Mom is doing a little better today!
Monday, July 29, 2013...lets just say this was not a great day! Outside of Salt Lake City, about 40 miles or so, we stopped to get gas. We get back on the highway and Paul's truck has warning lights come on. We pull over and he can't start his truck back up, so we call. They say a truck is on it's way and will tow him to Salt Lake City. A Highway Patrolman stops and makes sure we are ok. He suggest I take the rest of us on into town and try to find a hotel. So we leave Paul on the side of the road, this is not fun to do to your husband, and drive into Salt Lake. We go looking for a McDonald's so I will have WI-fi and can find us a hotel. Now remember, this is no easy thing to do for 7 people, a large dog and a hamster. It is a really long make it short I found a hotel, couldn't stay because there was no where for the trucks, had to cancel and then just started driving and stopping at hotels. One rude hotel told me this is a bad week and everything is full. First of all Mr. RUDE HOTEL MAN, I didn't pick for this to happen, I can't help that it happened and I wish it hadn't happened. If you don't have a room say so. If you can help me, please do. It is at this point it is all I can do not to cry. (I really hate how easy it is for me to cry!) I go to the next hotel and the lady feels bad and says she has one room left if we all want to squeeze into it. I thank her and say I will try one more close hotel. I walk into the Residence Inn and this nice lady ask if she can help me. I say, "Please tell me you will take a large dog and you have something for a family of seven tonight." She says they do and guess what? I cry! Oh my goodness! All this has happened and I really haven't heard from Paul and I am starting to get worried. When I do hear...oh this is where it just starts to get unbelievable...the trucks transmission is shot! They are going to unload the truck onto another!!!! To remind you, the wonderful engineer Colby has organized the truck. It takes them three times to load the truck and make it all fit. When we unloaded the truck once here I was shocked and dismayed with how they had packed it. Needless to say we had a few broken items. Paul didn't get back to the hotel until almost midnight. When he did get back and parked the truck an engine light came on in this new truck!!! A repair man came and worked on the truck.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013, we leave Salt Lake City and are on our way to Fernley, Nevada. It is going to be a long day. We get 30 minutes outside of Salt Lake City and we are right next to The Great Salt Lake and Paul's truck breaks down. We tell him we love him and he sends us on because there are literally no hotel rooms available and he has no idea how long this will take. He is there until 5 pm. He drives a few hours and then stops for the night. This was a horrible, terrible, no good day. I did not want to leave my husband in the middle of nowhere and yet we could see no other options.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013 we are just three hours away from our new home, it is uneventful the rest of the way. Paul catches up with us today and we are finally here!!! We have checked into a hotel to have a break at night from everything while we get our new house in order. Oh my, this hotel is scarey and even Lucy (dog) does not want to stay here. She sat at the door all night and moaned. We left the next morning and just moved into the house.
My friend Emily and her son Josh came over on Thursday and helped up unload the trucks. With there help we were done around three in the afternoon. We were so thankful for them. I would say we are over 50% moved in. It is hard being a way from our friends. In all of this I keep trying to find things to be thankful for.
Things we are thankful for:
1. that Andrew had his learners permit and could drive
2. that everyone stayed calm during everything and just went with it
3. that the house was ready and we could move in, that it is a nice house
4. we got furniture to sit on! (it just came Monday)
5. the weather here is wonderful (we don't run the air at night! today I never even had to turn it on!)
6. that we are all together
What an epic adventure it truly turned out to be!
Crud Muffin and a Half
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Monday, July 15, 2013
Moving is a challenge
There are many reasons that moving is hard, some are very obvious:
saying goodbye to friends
going through things
finding a new home
learning your way around a new area
finding new doctors etc.
Some of the things you don't always think of:
...leaving your kids height on the wall and knowing you will never see it again
...going places and almost always running into someone you know
...the sound your house makes
...the smell of your house
...feeling an attachment to your home and knowing there will be things you will miss
I know God has a plan and is in control and for that I am thankful. I will admit though that I am only human and somedays the unknown seems very overwhelming. I think I am just going to keep my eyes on Jesus and trust in Him, because tonight I am just really sad and I am going to miss my life in Florida.
I have lived here for 10 years in a row and a total of 14 years all together. I can say that about no other state. Here are the totals:
Florida: 14 years
Colorado: 8 years
California: 6 years
South Carolina: 4 years
Texas: 4 years
Virgina: 3 years
Tennesse: 1 year
I guess I am just feeling nostalgic tonight. I wish I could stop time and yet also see what next adventure is to come.
There are many reasons that moving is hard, some are very obvious:
saying goodbye to friends
going through things
finding a new home
learning your way around a new area
finding new doctors etc.
Some of the things you don't always think of:
...leaving your kids height on the wall and knowing you will never see it again
...going places and almost always running into someone you know
...the sound your house makes
...the smell of your house
...feeling an attachment to your home and knowing there will be things you will miss
I know God has a plan and is in control and for that I am thankful. I will admit though that I am only human and somedays the unknown seems very overwhelming. I think I am just going to keep my eyes on Jesus and trust in Him, because tonight I am just really sad and I am going to miss my life in Florida.
I have lived here for 10 years in a row and a total of 14 years all together. I can say that about no other state. Here are the totals:
Florida: 14 years
Colorado: 8 years
California: 6 years
South Carolina: 4 years
Texas: 4 years
Virgina: 3 years
Tennesse: 1 year
I guess I am just feeling nostalgic tonight. I wish I could stop time and yet also see what next adventure is to come.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Andrew came up and put his arm around me! I was watching for the start of the ceremony so I could send the graduates in and he just came up and put his arm around me! I love him so much! |
Here Andrew is giving "His Charge to His Fellow Graduates" |
The day before at rehearsal. |
Taking pictures! |
This is the Celebration Auditorium where we held the reception. Paul was fearless and climbed a huge ladder to hang the decorations from the ceilings. |
The smile is because Paul mentioned sometimes "life is wacky" a reference to Andrew's video's called "Wacky Wednesdays!" |
Love him! |
speech |
speech |
Monday, March 25, 2013
We have always called Allie our princess. Here is proof:
She was 5 years old! Isn't she adorable?
I found a story she wrote about a butterfly mommy and her little girl butterfly. When she was tired of writing she wrote: this is the end, there is no more!
I love you Allie!
She was 5 years old! Isn't she adorable?
I found a story she wrote about a butterfly mommy and her little girl butterfly. When she was tired of writing she wrote: this is the end, there is no more!
I love you Allie!
Memories - Andrew
I am busy cleaning out...getting ready for a garage sale this weekend and starting to pack up what I can in anticipation of our move across country this summer.
I came upon the following letter written Christmas 2002. Andrew was six and he asked to write the following:
Merry Christmas!
How have you been? I asked mommy if I could write a letter to everybody, because I want to tell you about Jesus.
Jesus died on the cross, and His heavenly Father sent Him to the world and He was laid in a manger and He grew up and told others about God, then He died, but He rose again. He did this because He loved us. I feel like God loves me a lot, to not let me die from my cancer. I'm really glad that nothing bad happened to me, because I like being here with Mommy and Daddy, but if I had died I would be in heaven with Jesus, and that would be good. I know I would be in heaven because I believe in God and Jesus. I prayed and asked Jesus to come in my heart two years ago. I hope you asked Jesus in your heart, because I want to see you in heaven.
This is my favorite song:
Our God is an Awesome God
He reigns from heaven above
With wisdom, power, and love
Our God is an Awesome God
Our God is an Awesome God
He reigns from heaven above
With wisdom, power, and love
Our God is an Awesome God
Thank you for praying for me and sending me cards. I love you. Have a Merry Christmas.
Andrew Lee
What a blessing to find this and to remember what we all went through when Andrew had cancer and to see where we are today. It brings back many memories and I am so thankful that Andrew is still here, that God's will for him to be with us:) Love you Andrew.
I came upon the following letter written Christmas 2002. Andrew was six and he asked to write the following:
Merry Christmas!
How have you been? I asked mommy if I could write a letter to everybody, because I want to tell you about Jesus.
Jesus died on the cross, and His heavenly Father sent Him to the world and He was laid in a manger and He grew up and told others about God, then He died, but He rose again. He did this because He loved us. I feel like God loves me a lot, to not let me die from my cancer. I'm really glad that nothing bad happened to me, because I like being here with Mommy and Daddy, but if I had died I would be in heaven with Jesus, and that would be good. I know I would be in heaven because I believe in God and Jesus. I prayed and asked Jesus to come in my heart two years ago. I hope you asked Jesus in your heart, because I want to see you in heaven.
This is my favorite song:
Our God is an Awesome God
He reigns from heaven above
With wisdom, power, and love
Our God is an Awesome God
Our God is an Awesome God
He reigns from heaven above
With wisdom, power, and love
Our God is an Awesome God
Thank you for praying for me and sending me cards. I love you. Have a Merry Christmas.
Andrew Lee
What a blessing to find this and to remember what we all went through when Andrew had cancer and to see where we are today. It brings back many memories and I am so thankful that Andrew is still here, that God's will for him to be with us:) Love you Andrew.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
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Emily's 8th birthday party! She wanted to have a LEGO themed birthday! |
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Before the guest arrived she wanted to stop and smell the flowers. |
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This was her Lego man named Ned. She came up with the name herself. |
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More flowers! |
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Emily LOVES flowers. They are her favorite thing. She sings about them and dances with them. |
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Hitting the pinata Daddy made her. |
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Helping to hang streamers in the wind. |
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Her cake was so much fun to make. |
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Blowing out the candles. She really had a great party and the weather cooperated so nicely. We weren't sure if it was going to stop raining in time for the party, but it did:) |
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Notice Allie's shoes...aren't they fun? |
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Tyler and Allie |
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Obviously from Emily's birthday...I don't understand why blogger does this, CRUD MUFFIN AND A HALF, but I guess it is to keep me on my toes and make life more exciting! |
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Ok, I know they are my children, but aren't they just adorable? I love them both so much...I am so glad they are such good friends. Cannot believe Andrew is graduating. |
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I love this picture! |
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My son! I love him. Notice the crutches. |
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Andrew -I guess I need to center people better. |
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Allie |
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Paul and I being completely silly! |
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Hard to believe these are my babies! | Hopefully it shows how much fun we all have together. |
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Andrew is feeling better and I am so glad!! It is good to have him up and hear all of his neat ideas and sarcastic comments!
Emily is sick! Why does this keep happening?! She has a temp of 102.2 and she feels miserable. I am concerned for Allie, because she kept carrying Emily around today. Praying God keeps the rest of us from getting sick AGAIN.
Poor Emily, tomorrow is the Valentine Skating Party and she has worked so hard on her Valentine Box and Valentine cards. Daniel promised to take it all for her and get her Valentine's. It is our last skating party in Pensacola, she is so upset to miss it. We are so going to miss our friends. I know God has new things in store for us. It is just really hard right now, because we know what to expect here...we just don't know what to expect there.
Emily is sick! Why does this keep happening?! She has a temp of 102.2 and she feels miserable. I am concerned for Allie, because she kept carrying Emily around today. Praying God keeps the rest of us from getting sick AGAIN.
Poor Emily, tomorrow is the Valentine Skating Party and she has worked so hard on her Valentine Box and Valentine cards. Daniel promised to take it all for her and get her Valentine's. It is our last skating party in Pensacola, she is so upset to miss it. We are so going to miss our friends. I know God has new things in store for us. It is just really hard right now, because we know what to expect here...we just don't know what to expect there.
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