Wednesday, January 16, 2013

"It" came

 Oh my goodness!!  The UPS man paid a visit to us today, and earlier than he normally does.:)  He brought a great big box right to my door.  (In my head is the song, "Oh The Wells Fargo Wagon is a Coming Into Town" from the Music Man)  I was so excited and so happy and then we opened it!  We had a drum roll and there it was...our beautiful, wonderful Keurig Coffee maker!  Do you know that when you turn it on there is this beautiful blue light that comes on?  I love blue.  The light alone makes me happy!  It came with all these!  We have made three different types of coffee and two cups of hot chocolate and then I just made some cups of hot water because it is fun!:) 
my pretty machine!

Thank you to everyone who answered my question as to what type of coffee maker to buy.  You all are great.