Sunday, February 3, 2013

One of my hero's

     My Grandma "B" was one of my heroes!  She is someone I so want to be like.  When I make a special meal I think of her.  I can't make a pot roast without thinking there needs to be jello served with it.  I try to bake like her and make the same yummy goodies.  I try to make things special.  For example, my children her great grandchildren, have a memory of sitting at the counter in her kitchen drinking Pepsi out of little cute Coke glasses.  She made even a Pepsi special.
    She was a master sewer.  She quilted the most beautiful quilts.  When I was around 8 or 9 I was able to go from California to Denver to stay with my grandparents.  I remember going through some of my Grandma's quilting magazines and I found the most beautiful baby quilt.  It was baby blue with pink sewing on it.  I showed it to her and asked, "Grandma, when I get married and have a baby will you please make this?"  When I was pregnant with Andrew a big box arrived one day and in it was the quilt I had asked for.  That quilt means so much to me.  She made me clothes, afghans, table covers, shadow boxes with my Grandpa and so much more.
     I remember her sitting at the pool with my mom and watching my brother and I play in the water.  She watched all our tricks and told us what good swimmers we were.  She always looked when we asked her, even if we had asked 100 times!
    Her house always looked beautiful and comfortable.  Just another way I desire to be like her.  She made you feel special and cherished. My Grandma made me feel special.  She loved me and treated me like I mattered to her.  She listened to my opinions and made me feel worthy to her.  I thought I could do anything when I talked to her.
     After I got married and I would have a question about something I would call her.  She would ask me what I thought I should do and then would encourage me and direct me if I was wrong.  She always made me feel smart and like I really did know what to do, just needed a little encouragement. 
     I never heard her curse.  The worse thing I heard her say was in the car when a man turned out in front of her she called him a "Dodo bird!"  We had a good laugh at that. 
     She loved to go to Taco-bell for a taco salad, and she loved a cold Pepsi on a hot day.  She loved her family.  I am going to miss her so much.
     A few years ago I gave her a call and said I wanted to talk to her about Jesus and heaven and death.  We talked and she told me she was so thankful I cared enough about her to talk to her about what can be a delicate subject.  She told me she was a good person and knew she was fine.  I agreed with her that she was a good person, and explained again what the Bible says about believing and accepting Christ.  I don't know what she believed.  I hope and pray she believed in Jesus and that she is in heaven.  I pray for all my family and friends.  I want all of you in heaven one day.  It will be the greatest thing ever!  There is only one way to get to heaven and it is to believe in Jesus.  To believe He is the Son of God, that He died on a cross to pay for our sins.  It is hard for our human minds to comprehend (mine for sure), but it doesn't matter how good we are, we will never be good enough, we need Jesus.
     My brother called from Italy today and told me he had received an email and that our Grandma had died today.  I have no more grandparents on earth and that feels really strange.  I have my mom and I am so thankful I do.  I have a husband and I love him so much.  I have my children, what a blessing.  I have my brother, whom I love a lot and his wife, who is my sister of my heart, and his daughter, who I love as my own.  I have all of Paul's family who I love and my friends so I am blessed.  It just feels weird to not have a grandparent after having at least one for over 39 years.
    So to all my family and friends who read this, I love you.  You all are important to me.  Don't forget to tell those you love that you do.  It is important to hear it and say it!  To just assume people know how you feel about them, make sure they know.  Even more important learn about Jesus.  There is absolutely nothing more important you can do then to learn all about Him!  He loves you and He wants to be your Savior.  I love to talk about Him, so I'm here.


  1. Oh, that was so very sweet. :) Good memories are such a wonderful thing to have. I don't have any Grandmothers and just one Grandfather, my mother's mother leaving us first. I was pretty young, so I don't have very many memories, but I am thankful to have even a few. Thank you for the reminder of telling those we love that we do love them, since we seem to take it for granted that they know. We should tell them often, but show them how true it is even more often.

    I am so happy that God brought our families together, because I love you guys so much. :)

  2. It's so true! You never know how much time you have with someone, we don't know what a day may bring! God has only given us so much to do everything we can for Him! :)
    This was a really sweet post remembering a special person in your life...I can't wait till we're all together in Heaven!! x)
