Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Run for God

I have started this program/Bible study/get healthy.  It is called Run for God.  The first meeting was this past Saturday morning, which I missed, because I wasn't feeling well.  I didn't want to be behind from the start, so yesterday I got started...
                                       I ALMOST DIED!!!!

That may sound a little dramatic, but I really wondered how I was going to make it.  Here is what I had to do:
  •   walk for 5 minutes
  •   then for 20 minutes, run for 1 minute and then walk for 90 seconds
  •    then walk for 5 minutes
So, you see you had to keep track of time, so I enlisted Allie to go with me to keep track of the time.  She was a great and wonderful encourager.  She did try to pretend to be Jillan from the Biggest Loser, but she yelled at me one time and decided she didn't enjoy the job of yelling and choose to become more encouraging.  I liked that better too.  

Allie says, "Mom, you have 10 seconds and then it is time to run."  I am thinking, "Sweet girl, she really thinks I can RUN!"  "Go Mom", Allie says in this kind voice.  I run/walk with my knees bent, my arms pumping and a bounce to my step.  "Allie, how much longer? Let me know 30 sec., 15, etc"  I survive, but boy am I out of breath!  (In the meantime, my physically fit daughter is skipping, twirling and just having a great time and not SWEATING like her mother)_Long story short, my leg begins to hurt, it hurt really bad, but I am not going to give up!!!!!  I did it.  Every two minutes I "ran" for a minute!  I did it.  We are now almost home and the tears are starting to run down my sweaty face!  Allie runs ahead a gets Paul for me because (no drama here:)  I am sure I have injured my leg and I will never be able to walk again.  What have I done?!?!

Paul comes out, with Daniel and Emily.  They are all going to rescue me.  I stretch, take a Motrin, put ice on my leg and call a friend!  By the end of the day my leg felt better.  I completly forget to take anymore Motrin.  

2 a.m. Oh my gosh!  Someone must have run me over with a car.  I HURT everywhere!  I should go take a Motrin...I can't move.  I'll wake Paul...No, that wouldn't be nice.  I fall back asleep.  I get up this morning.  I CANT MOVE!!!  I move, but boy am I sore, everywhere!  All I can think this morning is, "I have to get up and do this again tomorrow!!!!!!"

I will get up and do this again, because Christ will give me the strength.  He did yesterday.  Every time I had to "run" I sang a praise song, in my head, because you know I was out of breath and there was no way I could really sing.  God got me through it.  Yeah God!

 (thanks Allie for encouraging me, for going with me, for not laughing)



  1. It's great that you're running! Diana and I are training for the Mcguire's St. Patrick's Day run in March, and we sometimes follow a little program like yours. But I pretty much just run when I can. :)

    Keep it up!

  2. Way to go, Mrs. Lee! I am just able to run two minutes straight but I am HORRIBLE at running! I am so proud of you! It's really easy for me to say there's no point in doing it after only a week of running, but then I realized that many of the people I know that run had to start somewhere and keep going for weeks and months. I'll be cheering you on as you continue through this exciting and slightly painful journey! ;D
